Monday, July 13, 2009

Competencies for Information Professionals of the 21st Century

What is an Information Professional?

An Information Professional ("IP") strategically uses information in his/her job to advance the mission of the organization. The IP accomplishes this through the development, deployment, and management of information resources and services. The IP harnesses technology as a critical tool to accomplish goals. IPs include, but are not limited to librarians, knowledge managers, chief information officers, web developers, information brokers, and consultants.

What are Information Organizations?

Information organizations are defined as those entities that deliver information-based solutions to a given market. Some commonly used names for these organizations include libraries, information centers, competitive intelligence units, intranet departments, knowledge resource centers, content management organizations, and others.

For more information, mention below link

Friday, July 10, 2009

ISAN-International Standard Audiovisual Number

ISAN (International Standard Audiovisual Number), or ISO:15706-1 & 15706-2 (the ISAN standard), is a voluntary numbering system and metadata schema enabling the identification of any kind of audiovisual works, such as films, shorts, documentaries, television programs, sports events, advertising, etc. as well as their related versions.

Developed under the auspices of the International Standards Organization (ISO), by major players of the audiovisual industry such as producers, authors and rights holders societies, ISAN is now recommended or required as the audiovisual content identifier of choice for studios, broadcasters and Internet media service providers who need to encode, track and distribute video in a variety of formats. ISAN provides a unique, internationally recognized and permanent reference number for each audiovisual content registered.

Among the several benefits, ISAN numbers are being used in production and distribution systems, facilitating the interoperability and information exchange, contributing to improve rights management. ISAN is key in the content tracking and monitoring, as it has been integrated in several media solutions related to watermarking and fingerprinting technologies. ISAN has been made mandatory as a Content Identifier by the AACS, the encryption technology used in Blu-ray discs for the copy management and for all online transactions.

Founded by AGICOA , CISAC and FIAPF , ISAN-IA (the ISAN International Agency) is a not-for-profit Swiss association based in Geneva, mandated by ISO for implementing, running and managing the ISAN standard, the ISAN system and central database.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

ISMN-International Standard Music Number

The International Standard Music Number (ISMN) is a unique number for the identification of all printed music publications from all over the world, whether available for sale, hire or gratis--whether a part, a score, or an element in a multi-media kit.
The ISMN is designed to rationalize the processing and handling of printed music and the respective bibliographical data for publishing houses, the music trade and libraries.

* As of 1 January 2008 the ISMN consists of 13 digits starting with 979-0
* Existing 10-digit ISMNs are prefixed by 979-
* The leading M- of the 10-digit ISMNs will be replaced by 0- (zero)
* The resulting 13-digit number will be identical with the EAN-13 number that is currently encoded in the bar code

ISO Standard 10957 gives the basic rules of the ISMN system.
The thirteen-digit number allows a billion items each to carry a different number.

Please, note:
Before January 1, 2008 the ISMN consisted of four elements comprising ten digits,
for example, M-2306-7118-7
M the prefix M which distinguished the ISMN from other standard numbers;
2306 a publisher ID which identifies a certain music publisher;
7118 an item ID which identifies a certain music print; and
7 a check digit which validates the number mathematically.
The old ten-digit as well as the new thirteen-digit ISMN can be converted into a bookland code and printed with a scanner raster:

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

RDA: Resource Description and Access

RDA: Resource Description and Access is the new standard for resource description and access designed for the digital world. Built on the foundations established by AACR2, RDA provides a comprehensive set of guidelines and instructions on resource description and access covering all types of content and media.

For more information, click on following link below

Thursday, July 2, 2009

DOI System

The Digital Object Identifier (DOI®) System is for identifying content objects in the digital environment. DOI® names are assigned to any entity for use on digital networks. They are used to provide current information, including where they (or information about them) can be found on the Internet. Information about a digital object may change over time, including where to find it, but its DOI name will not change.

The system is managed by the International DOI Foundation, an open membership consortium including both commercial and non-commercial partners, and has recently been accepted for standardisation within ISO. Approximately 40 million DOI names have been assigned by DOI System Registration Agencies in the US, Australasia, and Europe.

To learn more about DOI names, see the Overviews, and begin with the Introductory Overview and Introductory Slide Presentation. The Factsheets, including the most recent on The ISBN System in Relation to the DOI System, and an updated DOI System and Internet Identifier Specifications discuss key topics about the system. For the most complete description of all aspects of DOI System technology and policy, consult the DOI® Handbook.

The ISBN (International Standard Book Number) is a 13-digit identification number and system, widely used in the international book trade for over 35 years and assigned through a network of international ISBN Registration Agencies. It applies unique ISBNs principally to physical books but also to related materials such as eBooks, software, mixed media etc.
The DOI® System offers a persistent actionable identifier for use on digital networks. A "DOI name" refers to the syntax string within the "DOI System". The ISBN-A ("the actionable ISBN") is a service powered by DOI®, in which an existing ISBN is expressed in the DOI System.

Syntax of ISBN-A
The ISBN-A is constructed by incorporating an ISBN into the allowed DOI syntax:
Example: 10.97812345/99990
The syntax specification, reading from left to right, is:

* Handle System DOI name prefix = "10."
* ISBN (GS1) Bookland prefix = "978." or "979."
* ISBN Publisher prefix = variable length numeric string of 2 to 8 digits
* Prefix/suffix divider = "/"
* ISBN Title enumerator and checkdigit = variable length numeric string of 8 to 2 digits


* the total length of the "Bookland prefix", the "ISBN publisher prefix" plus the "ISBN Title enumerator and checkdigit" will always equal 13 digits.
* the check digit from the ISBN remains unchanged; the DOI system does not use check digits.